Easy access to a firearm can turn a temporary crisis into a permanent tragedy
Suicide is the second leading cause of death in people ages 10-34. So, Delawareans should be aware of a tool that’s available to prevent gun-related suicides in their family and community.
LVPO stands for Lethal Violence Protection Order and it supports the temporary removal of firearms during times of crisis. The LVPO law has broad, bipartisan consensus and passed unanimously in Delaware.

How it Works
- A person in crisis or a loved one of a person in crisis calls the police and requests a LVPO
- If appropriate, the firearms are temporarily removed from the premises and stored for safekeeping at police headquarters.
- Within 15 days of the removal, a hearing is held. Hearings are not open to the public and, if the crisis has passed, the firearm can be returned.
LVPOs do NOT remove or harm the person in crisis
LVPOs do NOT put anyone in jail
LVPOs do NOT put anyone in handcuffs
LVPOs do NOT create a criminal record
LVPOs remove the firearm ONLY

Learn more about LVPOs, suicide and gun violence in Delaware
LVPOs give people in crisis the thing they need the most, time. Protect your family, neighbors, and community. Spread the word.